Patrick's Blog

Patrick Is A Genius!

March 20th, 2013 | Posted by pmpax in Tech

Patrick Is a Genius! No, not me, the other Patrick from the across the pond. What did he do that was so awesomely brilliant you ask? Well, it has to do with how this particular web page theme was working, or I should say not working as I had hoped. Simply put, whenever one would “click” upon an image within a post, there should have been a “lightbox” effect, which would allow the image to appear within the middle of the page, within a separate little box. What was happening unfortunately was that the image was showing up upon a new page, separate from the actual post it was originally within.

While I knew that this was an issue that pertained to the distinct theme I had chosen for the look of my blog, I wasn’t quite too sure where the miscommunication was within the actual code so as to fix this little hiccup. After tinkering about, I figured to search out one who might have a much better sense of not only what was going wrong, but how to make it work!

Sounds complicated? Well, for one such as Patrick it was quite easy to comprehend and see just what was going wrong. It turns out it was a Javascript issue within the code of the particular theme. He directed me over to fetch a plug in that he knew would allow for all the parts to play nicely, which would allow for the desired “lightbox” effect to take place! Voila!!! What a simple solution indeed! Finally, the images within each post have the desired “lightbox” effect! Three cheers for Patrick!

So a massive thank you is in order for Patrick, who not only so graciously responded to my inquiry as to why I was faced with this little technical hiccup, but provided a most elegant solution to solve the sites snag. Go check out his personal blog site and get a glimpse into the different grovetastic projects (like Atomic Duck) he has delved into, it really is some very cool stuff indeed!

Deferred Procrastination

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