Patrick's Blog

Mists of Pandaria – Siege of Orgrimmar

August 15th, 2013 | Posted by pmpax in Gamer

For those who have known me for well, they can tell you that my favorite video game and at this point most cherish is World of Warcraft, or WoW for short. Every so often the game developers put out an update in which they move the storyline forward. Pretty “Soon” there will be one such update to the game, also known as a ‘patch”. Well, within this one we go up against the corrupt leader of the Horde. The Horde is a lose confederation of races which seek to help protect one another, while maintaining their freedom and autonomy from their enemies that of the Alliance, who it should be noted are the actual “bad guys” of the game according to lore.

Over the course of the current game expansion which is called Mists of Pandaria, the current leader of the Horde is Garrosh, who as can be seen within this newly released game trailer is embarking down a path of big trouble to say the least.

Later today, I will write up an article upon my WoW blog ( which will give some background upon the character of Garrosh,

Here is a brief synopsis of the events taking place within the video:

Garrosh Hellscream’s treacherous excavation of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms has finished with sinister results — not just for Pandaria, but for all Azeroth.

In a compound beneath Ragefire Chasm, Garrosh has infused his followers — the ‘true Horde’ — with the pilfered essence of the Old God Y’shaarj. With the power of a primordial world-twisting force at his command, Garrosh can rebuild the Horde in his image: strong, obedient, and, most importantly, ‘pure’.

Vol’jin’s attempts to lead Horde rebels into the capital of Orgrimmar haven’t gone unnoticed — and the mightiest heroes of the Alliance have stepped in to siege one of their enemies’ most prized cities. Will the Alliance be content with overthrowing a despot, or will they crush the Horde at one of the most vulnerable points in its history?

Vid Link: The official trailer for World of Warcraft Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar




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