There are not very many TV shows that I watch, much less enjoy. Notable shows in the past that I have loved and watched faithfully have been The Six Million Dollar Man, Magnum P.I., Tales of the Golden Monkey and Jack of All Trades (Bruce Campbell…duhh) to mention the primary shows that I have followed.
Of Course, I can’t fail to mention the BBC series from the 60’s The Prisoner!
When I heard that Marvel would be releasing a show based upon Shield , with Agent Coulson to head his own team, how could I not be intrigued.
My personal synopsis of the show is that it has been entertaining, fun and quite enjoyable to watch. This week marked its sixth episode and I think it has been the best one to date. There are certain plot and character intrigues which have me hooked so as to want to tun in for the following episode to see what other elements might be revealed or added to.
Unfortunately, though not surprising, there has been quite a lot of posts on “the threads” about how the show is “lacking this or that” or not quite what viewers are expecting in terms of there being no “major Marvel superhero appearing, aka Iron Man ect”.
However, I think that this says more about our current culture than it does about the show. We have become a society which wants instantaneous results, immediate gratification, swift fulfillment. What is wrong with a show taking its own organic time and pace to fashion and develop the characters and introduce and begin to weave an overall story arc? Perhaps that is just the nature of the world we find ourselves within now.
I, for one have enjoyed watching the show slowly build and improve with each episode. Allowing the characters and the story to develop makes for a far more interesting and rewarding overall experience.
My hope is that the show gets a green light for an additional season. I very much would like to see how events and the various characters within themselves play out.
On a side note, thanks to Hulu, I have been able to watch the show on my computer, since otherwise I would not have access to the show, so that has been a most welcome circumstance that technology can make life a wee bit more enjoyable. (Though when the commercials hit, I just turn off the volume and watch to another web browser screen.)
So if you haven’t watched Agents of Shield, I would say give it a try and give it time. I think you will enjoy it as much as I have.
Oh, I have crush on the character Jemma Simmons played by Elizabeth Henstridge…just saying!
Link: Agents of Shield Homepage
Link: Agents of Shield Hulu