The Nazi’s are employing zombies??!!
A town is under seize and needs a crack team to not only wipe out the zombie menace, but to save the towns much beloved Rabbi, who is working on the means to assist the Allied forces against the hellish forces of the Nazi’s!
Well, in times such as this, call in the Desert Rat…that’s me!
My buddy Daryl bestowed that most honorable name upon me after some of my more ignominious actions on the field of battle over the many years we have gamed together.
Here are two pictures from that particular WW2 game, which I might add was a complete and absolute victory for the “good guys”. Not only were the Nazi forces roundly defeat and their zombie abominations destroyed, but the good Rabbi was saved and even managed to give them a good thumping with his own “secret weapon” which is so secret I didn’t even take any pictures of it!