Patrick's Blog

Lots Going On For Friday!

March 22nd, 2013 | Posted by pmpax in Kern WoW Blog | Matt and Pat Show - (Comments Off on Lots Going On For Friday!)

Hello and happy Friday to you!

I just finished up my Kern Wow blog for the week, so go take a look-see over at my Bloodhoof Brigands page…and Matt just uploaded the new Matt and Pat Show for everyones listening pleasure! So go listen after you read my Kern post! :p

Have a way super awesome weekend too!!!!!

My “Kern’s” Wow Blog

Matt and Pat Show


New Kern WoW Blog

March 15th, 2013 | Posted by pmpax in Kern WoW Blog - (Comments Off on New Kern WoW Blog)

Just finished the last few alterations to my latest Kern WoW blog…so go check it out!

When The Burnout Happens

(Just a little side note, I posted the write up on the General WoW forum and it has spurred some good discussions…how cool!)


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