Patrick's Blog

March Against Monsanto

October 11th, 2013 | Posted by pmpax in Take A Stand - (Comments Off on March Against Monsanto)

Tomorrow, there will be a nationwide gathering and march against Monsanto. I will be attending, for I believe very strongly that our food should not be tampered with or so altered genetically to the degree that it results in a detrimental cause of grave illness and or long term suffering, if not outright death. Monsanto as a company embodies all that is foul and vile about corporations. Without going into “political rant mode”, suffice to say that the companies I support are ones which are geared to fostering the greater good and overall wellbeing of the community and of its people, while carrying out the economic necessity of earning money through morally good business practices.

So with that in mind, I am putting my beliefs and convictions in action and taking a stand against Monsanto and for the rights and ability to foster organic food growth.

Link: March Against Monsanto Web Page/March Info



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